- General
- Customs
- Banking and Financing
- Taxation
- Consumer Defense
- Contracts
- Civil Litigations
- Trust Agreements
- Migration Law
- Family Law
III.- Stock Investment Law:
- Public Loan Issuance
- Products Development
- Procedures before the SRI (Internal Revenue Service)
- Litigations before Tax Courts
- Contracts
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Imports and Exports
- Unfair trade
- Arbitration
- Maritime Commerce
- Insurance
- Banks
- Franchising
- Negotiation Process
VI.- Public Administration Law:
- Public Bids
- Public Concession Contracts
- Ports
- Concessions
- Privatizations
- Telecommunications
- Mining
- Restrictive Commercial Practice
- Safe Pass Measures
- Dumping
- Custom Duty Preferences
- Procedures before the Court of Justice of the Andean Community
- Procedures before the World Trade Organization
- Procedures before the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI)
- Andean Development Corporation (CAF)
- Latin American Reserve Corporation (FLAR)
- Customs Claims
- Customs Litigations
- Customs Duty Readjustments
IX.- Intellectual Property Law:
- Trademarks
- Distinctive Appearances
- Non-disclosure of private information
- Copyrights
- Statutory Invention Registration (SIR)
- Utility models
- Copyright
- Normalization
- Consumer Defense
- Health
- Public street and road law